Monday, June 11, 2012


Happy Monday! We spent most of the weekend in the wilderness camping and hiking with friends. And on Sunday I hit up a barn sale which I am excited to post about soon! Hope you had a great weekend as well.

Our new loft has large warehouse doors that open up onto our cobblestone street. We love the easy access with Berlin (our dog) but the entrance is somewhat bland so I thought I would spice things up with planters. I started my search...wanting 4+ foot tall planters to flank the large doors but once I started searching I realized they were way more expensive then I wanted to spend for our rental loft. So I went to look for other large planter options. I found these great plastic tubs for $4.99 which looked exactly like some $60 planters I loved. Here is my process...xoxo.

The materials; 2 tubs, potting soil and 4 large bricks.

We made holes in the bottom of the tubs for drainage and cut off the handles so that it would look more like a planter then a tub.

I put 2 large bricks in the bottom of the tubs before pouring the soil over them to make them heavy and less likely to get stolen:)

Before and after with Berlin checking things out.

And the finished product with the grass growing in them. I opted for grass seed rather then potted plants since I usually can't keep flowers alive:)


  1. I keep looking back at this...I think it's the best blog yet! Such a great idea to plant grass...I want to do this.
