Well boy was I wrong...this was a total flop but thought I would share with you the results I got. Here is the Wilton site where the idea was pinned from...maybe it will help you make better cookie bowls than I did.
After reading through the actual directions (which I didn't do the first time... mistake) was that it is actually sugar cookies, I used chocolate chip cookies. Not sure if this would make a difference but I think I am going to move on from the cookie bowl dessert idea. Good luck to you though! xoxo
My ingredients...I decided to just use a small box mix for my test cookie bowls. I figured I would make them from scratch when I made them for guests (which I won't be doing after all:)
Putting the batter on the upside down cupcake pan ... ready for baking.
How they came out of the oven...whoops! In the Pinterest picture they turned out as PERFECT little bowls.
After I put the ice cream in the bowls and covered them with chocolate it didn't look quite as bad and they tasted delicious!
i am all for the choco chip, as these are my fav! i am wondering if a "rolled" cookie dough would help -> you know, the kind you'd use to cut out with cutters. i just may have to try it out! tks for the cute idea. :)